International Axis and Allies Player's Association Charter of Incorporation
IAAPA officials are elected or appointed to positions in the Association government with carefully defined responsibilities and privileges. By accepting a position, members agree to perform such duties to the best of their abilities until such time as they are dismissed, a new member is voted into their position or they tender a formal resignation to the President.
The structure of the Association Government is as follows:
The Executive consists of three individuals: The President, the Prime Minister, and the Chief Justice. Members holding these positions may not hold government positions in other Axis and Allies gaming clubs.
IAAPA President
Elected to a one year term by popular vote, the President may run for re-election. In the event of Presidential vacancy the Senate will appoint a new President for the remainder of the term.
The President is ultimately responsible for all aspects of Association operation including:
1. Formulating Association policy.
2. Dismissing absent/erratic/non-performing government officials.
3. Proposing the creation orelimination of Senate Positions
4. Proposing nominees for Senators/Chief Justice for ratification by Senate/Elected Assembly.
5. Ensuring smooth operation of Association functions and services.
6. Publishing IAAPA Ezine (Axis and Allies Armchair General Revue).
7. Maintaining all aspects of the website and/or delegating it appropriately
8. Providing a sense of direction for the Association
9. Communicating and coordinating with other Associations to promote the Axis and Allies community in general.
In many cases the impetus for these functions may come from a Ministerial decision or a proposal from the Elected Assembly. In all cases these charges are to be carried out with the involvement and support of the other members of the Executive.
Office Requirements:
Presidents, whether elected or appointed, must be an IAAPA member in good standing.
Current President: Ed PipPopsRising11.
Prime Minister
Not an elected position. Open-ended Term.
1. Proffer sage like advice to the President.
2. Conduct and report Senate voting.
3. Active Executive branch member.
Office Requirements:
The Prime Minister is typically the most senior member of the Senate. If the most senior Senator does not wish to accept the position, the position will be filled by another Senator selected by the President and Chief Justice.
Current Prime Minister: John JohnPin569.
Chief Justice
Not an elected position. Open-ended Term.
1. Leader of the IAAPA Supreme Court & Judiciary
2. Establish Club Rule Sets.
3. Receive and rule upon member disputes and inappropriate behavior.
4. Proffer sage like advice to the President.
5. Active Executive branch member.
Office Requirements:
The Chief Justice position upon vacancy is filled by the ratification of the Senate & Elected assembly of the Presidents nominee. If needed alternative nominees will be proposed by the President until a member is ratified to the position.
Current Chief Justice: Alan Spud.
Appointed by the Executive??Senators (Ministers) oversee the smooth operation of the Association. All Ministers serve an open ended term staying in office until they resign or are dismissed by the Executive, or through a recall.
Ministers may appoint official assistants called Chancellors to operate departments under their Ministerial position umbrella. Chancellors serve open ended terms until they resign or are dismissed by their Minister or the Executive and do not have any voting power in the Senate. Chancellors can also be directly appointed by the Executive (and have no Ministry attached to their office).
Ministers can propose changes in club policy and these will be affected with the approval of the Executive and Elected Assembly.
1. Proffer sage-like advice to the Executive
2. Appointing a new President in timely fashion in the event of Presidential vacancy. If a consensus cannot be reached then popular vote of the Senate will suffice.
3. Conduct all business associated with their Ministerial Position.
Office Requirements:
Be a member in good standing and appointed by the Executive Branch.
Current Ministers:
Minister of Finance
Acts as the Treasurer of the Association, accounts for and receives all payments of dues from the membership and ensures payment on all the financial obligations of the Association. -- John JohnPin569.
Minister of Members
Following the bi-annual elections, the first action of the Legislature is to elect a new House Leader / Minister of the Members. This is done by a simple majority vote. The Ministerial appointment is then confirmed by the Executive unless the Executive and the Senate vote unanimously against the appointment. If this occurs, an alternate must be recommended by the Legislature -- Lee (Hess.
Herald Editor in Chief (Chancellor) ? Per (Pelleplutt)
Mentorship Coordinator (Chancellor) - Leo (LeotheLop)
Minister of Tournaments
Co-ordinates and officiates IAAPA sanctioned tournaments -- Hakan (explosive)
The role of the Judiciary is to determine rules, laws, and regulations for obligations, standards, conduct, and methods of play within the IAAPA. The structure of this portion of the IAAPA administration is very simple --- it consists of one body, the IAAPA Supreme Court which rules on all matters by a simple majority. The judiciary is intended to make policy and act as an appellate branch whereas day to day rulings will be made by the Chief Justice.
The IAAPA Supreme Court is composed of the Chief Justice, 2 elected members (sitting members of Elected Assembly), and 2 appointed members. The members are appointed by the currently seated Chief Justice, and can be replaced at the time of the IAAPA election. The President may not sit on the Supreme Court.
Should an elected judge prove to be unresponsive or failing to serve in his capacity in any way, the Chief Justice can appoint any serving government branch member to fill the vacancy until the next election.
All members regardless of office must agree to abide by the rulings of the IAAPA Supreme Court, and members of government must ensure that their rulings and activities are in accord with rulings from the IAAPA Supreme Court. All rulings of the Supreme Court will be maintained for future reference by members of the Supreme Court.
Any aspect of the Association Charter or Standards of Conduct can be challenged by any member in the Association. In order to bring a matter to the Supreme Court it must first be heard by Chief Justice. If the response or result of this inquiry is not to the liking of the Member, he can bring the matter to the Supreme Court.
IAAPA Supreme Court rulings with regard to the interpretation of the Code of Conduct are considered FINAL pending an appeal by members. This is distinct from a rehearing of an issue (see below).
Any concerns that proper procedures or protocols were not followed by ANYONE in the Association are also heard by the IAAPA Supreme Court. This includes (but is not limited to) violations of the IAAPA Standards of Conduct, claims of abuse of power by government officials, incidents of cheating or falsifying records, etc.
Players in any sanctioned IAAPA game may appeal to the Chief Justice for a ruling on certain aspects of a game.
If an accused member is one of the currently seated members of the IAAPA Supreme Court, he may not participate in hearing the case. In this event the most senior member of the Senate not presently sitting on the Court will temporarily assume the position of Judge for that case only.
All decisions by the Supreme Court are the final word.
Current Judiciary:
Chief Justice: Alan (Spud)
Appointed Members: Vacant and Vacant
Elected Members: Vacant and Vacant
Elected Assembly
The role of the Elected Assembly is to ensure that the general membership has a voice in the operation of the IAAPA. There are (4)Four members that sit in the Elected Assembly. 2 Members are elected every 6 months for a 1 yr terms in March/Sept.
1. Delivering members viewpoints to the Executive and the Senate in the form of clear bills which change or create procedures and policies for IAAPA.
2. Vote on IAAPA Financial motions along with Executive and Senate.
3. As an Assembly discuss any issues or concerns raised by members, and upon conclusion of the debate, email the Minister or Executive (as appropriate) a bill.
Office Requirements:
All Legislators must be members in good standing of the IAAPA. They may not be sitting members of the Executive or Senate.
Current Elected Assembly:
1. Vacant
2. Vacant
3. Vacant
4. Vacant
**NOTE: Association government offices fall into three categories: Executive, Senatorial, and Elected Assembly. No individual may hold more than one position; unless expressly approved by the Executive and Senate as a temporary measure.
If the Executive makes a decision, it can be challenged if either by Senate or Elected Assembly votes with a simple majority to challenge it. It then goes back to the Executive. If a unanimous decision is made by the Executive, then a majority in both the Senate and the Elected Assembly is needed to overturn that decision.
Bills proposed by the Senate or Elected Assembly must be ratified by both the other two branches of Government (simple majority).
There is one important exception to this - any ruling which requires an expenditure of Association funds must be ratified by all three houses, and be submitted to the Minister of Finance.
The role of the Executive is to oversee all aspects of the Association, and as such they have jurisdiction over pretty well everything. The Senate plays a much smaller role, and typically only makes rulings on matters involving the structure of government and offices. The Legislature has jurisdiction over itself, and has the ability to propose bills on any other topic (subject to ratification by the appropriate bodies).
Most issues fall under the jurisdiction of a specific office (Ministry/Chancellery). For example, if someone wanted to have a specialty tournament (double elimination, etc.) it would fall under the Minister of Tournaments. Typically major issues which cover more than one office will presented to all government members for comment.
It is the Minister of Members responsibility to conduct IAAPA elections and Referendums as per charter timeframes and standards.
Association elections are held every March. All IAAPA members in good standing may vote in the elections. 'Good standing' is defined as being an active member of the Association who has submitted a game finish in the last 6 months and has completed a minimum of 3 games in the Association.
In March the positions of IAAPA President and 2 members of the Elected Assembly are filled via an election. During this election, any special issues the currently seated President may choose to put before the members can also be placed on the ballot (a plebiscite). 2 members of the Elected Assembly are filled via an election in September.
All members in good standing will receive one guaranteed secret ballot vote, where they will be able to cast a single non-transferable vote for each position outlined to be filled via the election process.
Our web-based server scripts handle our electoral process, preventing any potential abuse which may occur (ballot-stuffing, multiple votes, etc.).
If the general membership signs a petition containing 50% +1 of the current active membership in good standing to sign the petition, only a unanimous decision by Executive, Senate, and Elected Assembly will result in the petition being overturned. Petitions are meant as a tool by the membership to challenge/stop a major decision by the IAAPA Government or force a Referendum. Any successful petitions which seek to make a referendum item will garner the Chief Justice as the petition advocate until the referendum vote is complete.
Referendums are special votes on items the IAAPA Government seeks to have membership approval on. Referendums may only be conducted in concurrence with the annual election process on items approved or proposed by the President or presented by the Chief Justice as a result of a successful petition.
Any appointed member of Government may be subject to recall by the membership. In the case of 50 members or more requesting a specific government member recalled the following will be triggered;
1. A simple majority of the Executive will appoint a replacement for the recalled position.
2. Only a unanimous vote by each branch of Government (Executive, Senate & Elected Assembly) may overturn a recall motion.
Note: The IAAPA President & Elected Assembly is elected on an annual basis, and as such are not subject to recall do the frequency of the memberships voice in these positions.
In order to prevent the improper use of the mass mailer, only the Executive branch will be authorized to use the mass mailer unless specifically delegated otherwise.
All funds received (donations, dues, etc.) are received by the Minister of Finance directly or through the IAAPA's PayPal account.
All proposed expenditures must be approved by all three houses of government (simple majority votes). The Minister of Finance will then conduct the approved transaction and report back to government with a current account balance.
If any house fails to ratify a budget line item, they must clearly state why they refuse to ratify it.
The Charter can be altered by a majority of the Executive. The changes will be highlighted in bold for a minimum period of one month during which a motion to annul the changes can be performed and the procedure under ?How Do Decisions Get Made by Government? or ?Petitions? can be followed. Minor changes including updating grammar and wording, and changes in positions or office holders will be made without the above process.
In addition, the Executive must notify all members of the Senate and the Elected Assembly whenever changes are made to the Charter by email (to prevent alterations from being missed).