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IAAPA Rating and Ranking System PDF Print E-mail
Friday, 21 November 2008

International Axis and Allies Player's Association Ranking Rules

Members have two methods of comparing their skills against other members. The first is the rank, which is a measure of their balance of wins and losses. The second is their rating, which is similar, but takes into account the skill of their opponents in assigning a value to the win or the loss. Players slowly advance through the ranks to reach the pinnacle which is a 4-star general. They also rise through the ratings to be listed on the Top 30 List.

Players rise in rank according to their success on the battlefield. Ranks are attained either by achieving a minimum number of RANKING POINTS or by reaching cumulative games played requirements. In addition to win/loss requirements, officers must successfully defeat players of appropriate rank to advance. Finally, officers must maintain a certain minimum number of RATING POINTS to reach and maintain any given rank. Players who fail to maintain the minimum requirements of their rank will be demoted as soon as this occurs.


Officer candidates (players eligible for officer promotion once they meet officers defeated requirements) may challenge officers to achieve their promotion. Officers are expected to accept at least one promotion challenge game every six months.


The website will maintain current rankings and ratings as game finishes are reported to the site.

In the rating system outlined below, please remember the distinction between ratings points and ranking points. RATINGS points are a numerical representation of the strength of the player. They are gained and lost in relation to the strength of the opponent. RANKINGS points are a value of points accumulated in play that represent the win/loss ratio of the player. It also takes into account the type of games played, as some games have traditionally been given special values in the past.

Convention games code W
A convention win is worth 4 Ranking points
A convention loss is worth 1 Ranking point

Normal Games code #
A win is worth 2 Ranking points
A loss is worth 2 Ranking points

Face to Face games code F ( still unused until local chapters begin )
A win is worth 2 Ranking points
A loss is worth 2 Ranking points

Tournament games code T
A win is worth 1 Ranking points
A loss is worth 1 Ranking point

Formula for calculating the RATINGS POINTS is below:

When a game is started;

First a differential (D) needs to be obtained for the game:


Then a value (V) must be assigned to the game:

IF P1 wins the game: (P1V)
IF SUM(15-D)<2
ELSE IF SUM(15-D)>20
ELSE V = SUM(15-D)

IF P2 wins the game: (P2V)
IF SUM(15+D)<2
ELSE IF SUM(15+D)>20
ELSE V = SUM(15+D)

The above values will be automatically inserted into the game db for that contest.

When a games ends;

First the current ratings of the two players needs to be looked up:

Then the server will determine if P1 or P2 won the game:

Apply the game value as follows:

IF P1 = Winner
THEN P1 current rating + P1V = new P1 current rating
THEN P2 current rating - P1V = new P2 current rating

If P2 = Winner
THEN P1 current rating - P2V = new P1 current rating
THEN P2 current rating + P2V = new P2 current rating

The winner would gain the appropriate number of RANKING POINTS as determined by the game type (Normal,Tourney,Convention,Face to Face) and the Loser would lose the appropriate number of RANKING POINTS.

Then the AACRS ranking routine for those 2 players will then be recalculated with the below guidelines:


**** General - 1400+ RATING POINTS AND 4 or more General vs General wins than losses AND (44+ RANKING POINTS OR 70+ completed games)

*** General - 1375+ RATING POINTS AND 3 or more General vs General wins than losses AND (40+ RANKING POINTS OR 65+ completed games)

** General - 1350+ RATING POINTS AND 2 or more General vs General wins than losses AND (36+ RANKING POINTS OR 60+ completed games)

*General - 1325+ RATING POINTS AND (Win vs COL+ AND 2 other Officers) AND (32+ RANKING POINTS OR 55+ completed games)

Colonel - 1300+ RATING POINTS AND (Win vs MAJ+ AND 1 other Officer) AND (28+ RANKING POINTS OR 50+ completed games)

Major - 1275+ RATING POINTS AND (Win vs CPT+) AND (24+ RANKING POINTS OR 45+completed games)

Captain - 1250+ RATING POINTS AND (20+ RANKING POINTS OR 40+ completed games)

Lieutenant - 1225+ RATING POINTS AND (16+ RANKING POINTS OR 35+ completed games)

+++++ Enlisted +++++

Master Sergeant -- 12+ RANKING POINTS or 30+ completed games

Sergeant -- 8+ RANKING POINTS or 20+ completed games

Corporal -- 4+ RANKING POINTS or 10+ completed games

Private -- 1+ completed games

Rookie - no games yet completed

Note: + means = to or greater than

Last Updated ( Saturday, 22 November 2008 )
