Sn - Season (2001, 2002, etc.)
Div - The Division in which the team played for that season
W/L - Win / loss record for the season
R/S POS - The position where the team finished in the regular season
CHMP - Championship wins
FNL - Finalist


Team Members Sn Div W/L R/S POS CHMP FNL
Ngadla, Diecaster, Steiner '01 B 8-2 1st - Yes

Team Members Sn Div W/L R/S POS CHMP FNL
Arminius, Glorfindel, GroeFaz '01 B 7-3 2nd - Yes
Team Members Sn Div W/L R/S POS CHMP FNL
Buzz, RedDwarf, Sephorin '01 A 2-8 6th - No

Team Members Sn Div W/L R/S POS CHMP FNL
BlackWatch, Boromir, Hoquista '01 B 6-4 3rd - No

Team Members Sn Div W/L R/S POS CHMP FNL
JohnPin569, Micwil, ToddVomit '01 A 4-6 5th - No

Field marshals

Team Members Sn Div W/L R/S POS CHMP FNL
HighCmmdr, NobleKnt, Rewstr '01 A 5-5 4th - No

Kamikaze Squadron Reunion

Team Members Sn Div W/L R/S POS CHMP FNL
Jbell49, KenBell, WarlockLH '01 A 8-2 1st - Yes

Team Members Sn Div W/L R/S POS CHMP FNL
Herr_Schmidt, Raist, Spud '01 A 6-4 2nd - Yes

The Blitz Brothers

Team Members Sn Div W/L R/S POS CHMP FNL
General_J.D, roboprep, Starchild '01 B 3-7 5th - No

Team Members Sn Div W/L R/S POS CHMP FNL
Atulla, EtherealWarrior, normanoliver1 '01 B 1-9 6th - No

Team Members Sn Div W/L R/S POS CHMP FNL
cnty9047, Frogman10, Leone '01 A 5-5 3rd - No

Triple Entente

Team Members Sn Div W/L R/S POS CHMP FNL
HoganS, Stimpy, Tusk '01 B 5-5 4th - No