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Your roving reporter "THE SQUIRE" has corraled yet an other closeted player of that bewitching board game called "Axis and Allies".

     This old timer has played the game for what seems to be forever and I put it to him as to why. So get to know something about Amgor or sinbad7

When did you start playing the GAME and why???

     Around late 1980. I was part of the group of guys that always went to a gaming store called The Citadel. The Citadel was run by good guy named Pat Flory. Larry Harris and a lot of other guys also hung out there and we played War Games every Saturday and soon even more time was spent with this addicting game. By the way the Citadel is still being run by the same owner. It has moved a few times between New London, and Groton ,Connecticut. At this time its in Groton.

     I have played some A&A games (Larry's make-up board) before the real game hit the store shelves and I have no idea how many games I played after the game was out. We always played with five players when there was enough, and that was most of the time. Each player played one country.

Do you have any warfare history for us???

     I'm not sure what you mean? My personnel Army warfare, or my experience with Axis and Allies.

How about Axix& Allies ???

     I can give a short A&A History. Some is obvious, but some isn't.

     Axis and Allies was first publish and sold in stores around 1981 and was designed by Larry Harris. The game came with the game board, cardboard pieces, paper money, a bunch of charts, and of course the now hated dice (I still have my first game that's well used).

     The name at the start was going to be 1942, but something else happen at that time (I don't remember what) so a new name had to be decided on.

     Pat Flory came up with the name of Axis and Allies.

     All great things started to happen for Larry when Milton Bradley bought most of Larry Harris' game designs and put him on the job. I see now he came out with more Axis and Allies games..Europe and Pacific.

Great for him.

What do you like most about the game???

     Nice choice of colors for each country(joking).
     It's been a big part of my gaming life for many years. It has been a big change from having five players reduced to two players, but its still great fun except for the luck factor.
     I have to add that the best thing that ever happen to Axis and Allies players was that the A&A club now called IAAPA started and is still going strong.

What if anything do you dislike most about the game???

     That's very easy...DICE..I wish there was some other way, but that's part of the game.

     One short example: Game #8079 vs Tony.. A very close game with both of us with a good chance to win. I did an Strategic Bombing using 3 Heavy Bombers and his AA-guns shot all three Heavy Bombers out of the sky.. I still hate that memory.

What if anything would you change about the game?

     I don't know about being more exciting, but what I thing would help the game.

My opinions only.
(a) I don't think West Canada should be adjacent to Hudson Bay sz (LAB)

(b) I like the idea of the Battleships having two hits to sink, and to be really good they should be able to fire twice in combat. Now that's getting your money worth.

(c) I would love to see some Paratroopers added somehow. (101 Airborne)

(d) I would like to see AA-guns double as Artillery. They can move into an enemy territory and be used in a attack. Attack with 2 and Defend with 2 vs ground units. Air units 1/1.

(e) I think to add to the fun,how about units that can be upgraded with tech rolls. like infantry hitting at two etc:

Do you think that the bids are high enough???


Does your wife let you play as you want???

     Is this a Joke question?...My gaming room is my castle..Death whoever enters with-out permission, or interrupts.

Who is the most confusing guy you have ever played against??

     Easy - Everyone

     Well there it is guys, right from the streets of the city. Be on the look out for me. I can strike from anywhere and U just might be next.


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